• 1. Calling up an old friend. You know you’ve been meaning to, and they’d love to hear from you.


    2. Finally going for that run you’ve been promising yourself. It’s going to feel so good afterward, even if the process is a little painful.


    3. Hand-writing a note to someone you love. Snail mail is a dying art, and they’ll love receiving it!


    4. Making cookies from ingredients you already have in the pantry. It’s fun to get creative. Why not throw a few extra spices in there?


    5. Finally hanging up those pictures in your house. It always makes me happy to cross something off the “to do” list.


    6. Reading a good book. Because life’s too short not to.


    7. Hugging your kids. They won’t be kids forever, and once they turn into teenagers, they might not be the hugging type.


    8. Finding a pen in the house that actually works well. And perhaps throwing out the ones that don’t.


    9. Taking your dog on a walk. They deserve your love and attention and will be exhausted afterward!

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  • 1. Plan your day the night before

    Stephen Covey stated in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that you should review the coming day the night before. This way you have already created a mental map of how tomorrow will flow. You can make sure you have the information for your meetings and if you need to add other activities you can know where you may have time. By planning your day the night before you are being proactive and not reactive.


    2. Create a “to do” list

    Okay, so you have just planned your day. Any thoughts pop up? What main topic were you going to cover in that customer meeting? Make a note. Were you low on milk this morning at breakfast? Grab some on the way home from work if you forgot to already. Any calls you need to make? Write it down. If you create a list of things you want to accomplish the next day you have a greater chance of accomplishing them.


    3. Get a good night sleep

    This is easier to do after you have planned your day, feel comfortable with what you have to accomplish tomorrow and then can clear your mind of it. You won’t have to lay in bed trying to keep straight in your head what you have to do tomorrow because you have a list. You should also sleep no less than eight hours and make sure you go to bed about the same time every night. If you do like to read before bed do it somewhere other than your bed.


    4. Get up earlier than you need to

    Getting ready for work in the morning always seems to take longer than we think. Then there is traffic, weather and parking to deal with. If you give yourself extra time you will be more present in the moment when you load your car or computer bag and the chances of forgetting something is reduced. You will also be more relaxed when you reach your destination. Nothing says failure like a rushed, disorganized sweaty guy running into a meeting late.


    5. Read

    You have been hearing this since elementary school. It doesn’t matter what you read. You can read the Wall Street Journal for 45 minutes a day or a novel at night before you go to bed, just not in your bed. You can read business or books about hobbies. The point is that you read. Reading increases our vocabulary, makes us better spellers and exercises the muscle that is our brain… Well, the brain is an organ, but you get the point.


    6. Set goals

    A goal is a dream with a timeline. Not only do you need to set goals, but set different sized goals. If your goal is start your own company you need to set goals about gaining skills that will help you run a small business. Start by getting a job in the industry and then try to get promoted in the first year. Or if your goal is to write a book set a goal of having a certain number of chapters done by a certain date.


    7. Measure your goals

    How do you know if you are on track if you don’t measure your goals? If you are six months into that job and things are not looking like a promotion is going to happen… Why? Did you underestimate how much you needed to learn? That’s fine – adjust your timeline. If you are not doing what you need to be doing think about why you have lost interest or momentum. Maybe this line of work is not for you?


    8. Reflect

    Our lives are a story, not a plan. A plan is linear and a story does not follow a straight path. Your life is a story with subplots and surprise characters. It is okay to reevaluate your goals and where you think you were headed and change direction. That is how you learn and figure out what you are good at doing.


    9. Get a mentor

    A mentor should keep you honest. If you are not hitting your goals they should call you on it. You should have regular meetings with them and let them know what your goals are and the time 

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  • 1. Passion

    When you have a passion that pours out of every cell of your body, others cannot help but take notice, and you cannot do anything else. It can consume your life and when you are in this state, there is an ever so present aspect of joy and happiness. Being passionate is not just something that you setting up a company in hk have to do, but something that you absolute love to do bringing a smile to your face no matter the ups and downs that you are facing.


    2. Bliss

    Bliss is that element where you know you can’t escape it. Essentially you are 100% happy with life at this moment and time. You are content and love where things are going. Bliss is what we all need and yet is one of the things that we never talk about as most think it is unattainable, but in reality it’s all in our mindset.


    3. Peace

    Happiness brings about a sense of peace in your life. When you are peaceful, there is not any source of worry entering into your life. You are content, happy and enjoying the moment that you have right now without any turmoil.


    4. Smiles

    A smile is contagious. It shines with energy,strength, happiness, and joy. The more you smile the more you are happy. It’s difficult to be happy without having a smile on your face.


    5. Memories

    Memories are a double edged sword; however, the good memories are ones that are rarely forgotten and are often brought up when times are tough.


    6. Joy

    Spend time realizing what brings the smiles to your face, what makes you laugh contagiously, and what gives you that overall since of joy and happiness. When you are joyful, you are happy. It’s difficult to have one without the other. Having a fulfilled happy life means that you must showcase joy daily sharing with others what makes you smile.


    7.  Friends and People You Love Spending Time With

    It’s been proven that you are the average of the five people that you spend time with. Are the people you are spending the most time with ones that help showcase your happiness? If you begin to feel happier with less complaining and have a better perspective on life, then you should keep Hong Kong Travel deals those friends close by. We don’t realize how important it is to have others that help us see the joy and happiness in life until they are far from our lives. Keep those people close by and happiness will always be a part of your life.


    8. Love

    When you hear the word “love,” there are normally two or three images that immediately pop into your mind- the couple who is madly in love, a family that showcases love daily, and then someone who may have been scarred by love in the past having a difficult time accepting love now. It’s not to say that you have to have love to be happy; however, if you are in love, you should be happily in love. Happiness should exude from your relationship. You should want the relationship to continue and not be a drudgery, which would ultimately steal your happiness.


    9. Cherish the Present

    Make a point to realize that we are living right here, right now – not yesterday and not tomorrow. Things can change at a moments notice; however, when you live in the present and cherish the time that you have today, you learn to appreciate and be happy for things today. You stop the digital online marketing comparison with what happened years ago or what you wish will happen tomorrow. Cherish today, hold it close, and make sure that what you are doing today makes you happy.


    10. Spontaneity

    When you add a little spontaneity into your life, an adventure begins full of intrigue and unknown. It doesn’t have to be a life that is completely spontaneous, but even a slight amount will get you out of your routine and noticing items and opportunities that you haven’t seen before. Experiencing these new things will add more happiness to your life and you will branch out of the feeling that every day is like “Groundhog Day.”

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  • October makes me think of Halloween, and Halloween makes me think of masks, and masks remind me that sometimes when we're grieving, we wear masks without even realizing it. We may never stop to think about how other people perceive our appearances, our images and our behaviors. Over time, we formation touristique may gradually drift into a pattern of "being" that is so familiar to us we never realize that others might be seeing us in a totally different way.


    Our pain may have caused us to have an outwardly distorted appearance, even when inwardly we may actually feel we are reconciling to our losses. Some people appear to be continually anger and bitter, when in fact it is only a reflection of their sadness. Even though their inward hostilities have begun to soften and resolve, on the outside they have kept their protective masks of fierceness. In reality, they are starved for love and companionship, but they are afraid to let their true feelings show. What if they were ridiculed, violated or abandoned and therefore hurt anew?


    On the other hand, there are those who have adopted a perpetually "sunny" countenance that covers an internal sorrow. Their hearts and minds and faith may be splintered, but they are determined that the people around them will never guess their secret. They may believe that showing sorrow is a Google SEO weakness that will drive away the people they think they need.


    It would appear that masks are psychological props that seem to protect us from something we fear. For some people, self disclosure is as repulsive as public nudity! It seems safer for mask-wearers to endure the lack of support and attention they so sorely need rather than to honestly reveal their innermost feelings.


    I wonder what would happen if we all let down our guards and allowed our families, friends, neighbors and co-workers to discover our real pain. Would our revelations really make us any more weak or vulnerable? Would we really be at any more emotional risk? Could we be hurt any more than we've already been?


    Naturally, if we take the chance of disclosing our true selves, revealing where we are weak or frightened or hurt, there is always the possibility that we might become prey for the predators. The vultures seem always to be circling. But there is also the chance that we will provide an opportunity for Последние новости Гонконга the intelligent, strong and compassionate of our peers to offer their support. Where there is evil, there is also good. Where there is pain, there is also healing. Nature teaches us that in life, there is balance.


    Precisely because we have suffered the ultimate wound-the death of one who was truly loved-perhaps eventually we can afford to take more risks. It's a tough issue: Dare we risk the pain of being hurt again if we disclose? Or have we become strong enough and brave enough to take a chance on the rediscovery of love and the richness of new attachments? Is it true that what does not kill us makes us stronger?

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  • Asked if he is expecting Dinnerly to outgrow Martha and Marley Spoon, Fabian said he didn’t know for sure but given that Dinnerly is targeting a much bigger market, it would be logical to believe so. He cautioned of course that Martha and Marley Spoon might still be more profitable, likening it to the iPhone’s smaller market share but high ticket price and corresponding profits compared to cheaper phones on the market Load Balancing.

    Dinnerly will start with delivery on the U.S. West Coast, beginning with California, and will be followed by most of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah and Idaho, with expansion to other regions expected by the end of 2017.

    Blowing up the re-location industry, Move Guides raises
    Whatever any country leader says about banning travel or shutting down the movement of people, the world is accelerating its globalisation and that means people move around. Duh. Talent is now global, and the industry that helps that talent move is huge set up company in hong kong.

    Thus it is that Move Guides — a SaaS platform for employee relocation which launched in London but has grown internationally — has closed $48 million in a Series C funding from Future Fund, New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and Notion Capital. That takes its total raised to $91M since it began aiming at disrupting traditional relocation management, a market worth $11 billion, by some estimates.

    The Series C round will be used for growing market share for its platform, (currently growing at 200% annually) and infrastructure. It previously secured a $15.6 million in Series B funding and prior to that a $8.2 Million Series A.

     like Cartus and SIRVA, but Move Guides is aimed at companies which usually outsource employee relocation and need talent mobility monitoring, not just relocation on its own. Its “Talent Mobility Cloud” smashes together companies, employees and global vendors (shipping, real estate, immigration, tax etc) all into a single platform to solve the headache for HR departments which have to deal with global mobile workforces as they move around projects and relocate. Move Guides claims it can save a company 10 per cent on all the associated costs, which is a lot for these big global companies Shenzhen Transpring Enterprise Ltd. is one of wholesale vaporizer pen and vaporizer (A3 Vape Cartridge etc) manufacturer and supplier in China. Over the years, we have been serving many customers from USA, ... .

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